
We are a rapidly growing community with increasing demands on our town services. As our town continues to grow it is important that our representatives make wise decisions to ensure our services are delivered in the most efficient manner possible. Poor decision-making will result in unnecessary costs which will lead to tax increases or service reductions.

Fletcher has tremendous opportunity for prosperity! The actions taken by our town council in the coming years will determine how effectively we embrace that opportunity.

I will always represent the people of Fletcher and put the town's needs first!

Integrity ×

The people of Fletcher deserve a government they can trust and good governance requires our officials and town staff to be held accountable.

Our town council has an important role to play in oversight of how our town resources are used and ensuring that the town is getting what we are paying for in all aspects of government operations.

I will always take the time to discuss what is happening in our town and why I am taking action on any issue before council. I will always listen to the concerns of Fletcher residents with an open mind and willingness to balance the needs of our diverse population. Most of all, I will always treat the responsibility to the town as a public service and never take for granted the public trust of the residents of Fletcher.

Accountability ×

As our town grows, our local government should be focused on ensuring residents can easily and conveniently access town services. Residents in other communities enjoy services that provide access to town information including online reporting of issues of concern, modernized access to updated town ordinances, police records, town news and events, and much more.

I will work to modernize how Fletcher interacts with our town services improving transparency and accessibility.

Modernization ×

Our town is becoming increasingly attractive to developers looking to bring new commercial, industrial and residential properties to our growing community. We have all seen the commercial development push coming southward from Asheville for many years. This is the biggest issue facing our community in the coming years.

It is important to have a council that will examine each opportunity from a perspective that respects the desires of our residents and contributes to the prosperity of our town.

I have worked in commercial and industrial development my entire professional career as part of a team that prepares proposals for town councils and planning boards across the country. I know what goes into the decision to make large investments in a community and how to identify opportunities for Fletcher in those negotiations. My experience will ensure Fletcher is not taken advantage of by developers and is not missing out on opportunities as we continue to grow.

Development ×

Our downtown corridor is coming along nicely. The aesthetic is really taking shape and it will not be long before investors realize the tremendous opportunity our community holds for future business.

It is imperative that we remain patient and not make poor decisions in the name of expedience. No deal is better than a bad deal. If we allow businesses better suited to transportation corridors to build in our downtown corridor, we will become a pass-through community and lose the welcoming downtown aesthetic we have been working towards for years.

As a member of town council I will evaluate every opportunity that becomes available based on what it can add to the town while maintaining patient focus on our long term objectives. Poor decisions now will have consequences for our town for generations.

Heart of Fletcher ×

Fletcher students deserve a world class education. Our elementary, middle, and high school students should have access to all the resources they need and opportunities for real world experiences to enhance their learning experience. Our leaders should be seeking opportunities to partner with current and prospective businesses to provide our students with experiential learning events right here in Fletcher.

Access to an educated workforce and resources for training new workers is one of the greatest assets a community can have when trying to attract business investments that create jobs in a community.

There are currently no higher education facilities in North Henderson County. Fletcher would be the perfect location for a satellite campus of Blue Ridge Community College or a similar institution. I will work to further develop town relations with our county partners and champion the solicitation process to secure development of an institution of higher education in Fletcher.

Education ×

Our town parks are treasures that uniquely set us apart from other communities in Western North Carolina.

Fletcher should continue to develop plans and work to secure grants for funding to build new parks and a greenway system to connect each one of our neighborhoods and every corner of our town.

Fletcher residents should have access to pedestrian and biking trails to improve walkability from wherever they live to anywhere in Fletcher.

I will promote our efforts to develop a greenway plan to connect all Fletcher communities and include new parks and public facilities throughout the entire town.

Parks & Greenways ×

Many of our neighborhoods are facing severe erosion and flooding issues caused by stormwater runoff. The rapid over development on Airport Road has exacerbated these issues and if we do not act quickly properties and communities will be severely damaged.

Bill Moore Park has flooded routinely for several consecutive years requiring substantial investment to remedy the damage. It is no secret that the additions of the Park Side community and Mainetti on Mills gap have contributed to the problem and the large apartment complex coming beside Cane Creek will further exacerbate the issue.

We need to address this issue now! We need a comprehensive stormwater plan to be developed and implemented immediately. This should be the top item for our town's use of American Rescue Act funds.

Stormwater ×

Fletcher residents have been demanding a new, updated library for years.

Our current library is too small for our growing town's needs and the building requires maintenance expenses that would be better spent as part of a larger package towards replacing the library entirely.


We are a rapidly growing community with increasing demands on our town services. As our town continues to grow it is important that our representatives make wise decisions to ensure our services are delivered in the most efficient manner possible. Poor decision-making will result in unnecessary costs which will lead to tax increases or service reductions.

Fletcher has tremendous opportunity for prosperity! The actions taken by our town council in the coming years will determine how effectively we embrace that opportunity.

I will always represent the people of Fletcher and put the town's needs first!

The people of Fletcher deserve a government they can trust and good governance requires our officials and town staff to be held accountable.

Our town council has an important role to play in oversight of how our town resources are used and ensuring that the town is getting what we are paying for in all aspects of government operations.

I will always take the time to discuss what is happening in our town and why I am taking action on any issue before council. I will always listen to the concerns of Fletcher residents with an open mind and willingness to balance the needs of our diverse population. Most of all, I will always treat the responsibility to the town as a public service and never take for granted the public trust of the residents of Fletcher.

As our town grows, our local government should be focused on ensuring residents can easily and conveniently access town services. Residents in other communities enjoy services that provide access to town information including online reporting of issues of concern, modernized access to updated town ordinances, police records, town news and events, and much more.

I will work to modernize how Fletcher interacts with our town services improving transparency and accessibility.

Our town is becoming increasingly attractive to developers looking to bring new commercial, industrial and residential properties to our growing community. We have all seen the commercial development push coming southward from Asheville for many years. This is the biggest issue facing our community in the coming years.

It is important to have a council that will examine each opportunity from a perspective that respects the desires of our residents and contributes to the prosperity of our town.

I have worked in commercial and industrial development my entire professional career as part of a team that prepares proposals for town councils and planning boards across the country. I know what goes into the decision to make large investments in a community and how to identify opportunities for Fletcher in those negotiations. My experience will ensure Fletcher is not taken advantage of by developers and is not missing out on opportunities as we continue to grow.

Our downtown corridor is coming along nicely. The aesthetic is really taking shape and it will not be long before investors realize the tremendous opportunity our community holds for future business.

It is imperative that we remain patient and not make poor decisions in the name of expedience. No deal is better than a bad deal. If we allow businesses better suited to transportation corridors to build in our downtown corridor, we will become a pass-through community and lose the welcoming downtown aesthetic we have been working towards for years.

As a member of town council I will evaluate every opportunity that becomes available based on what it can add to the town while maintaining patient focus on our long term objectives. Poor decisions now will have consequences for our town for generations.

Fletcher students deserve a world class education. Our elementary, middle, and high school students should have access to all the resources they need and opportunities for real world experiences to enhance their learning experience. Our leaders should be seeking opportunities to partner with current and prospective businesses to provide our students with experiential learning events right here in Fletcher.

Access to an educated workforce and resources for training new workers is one of the greatest assets a community can have when trying to attract business investments that create jobs in a community.

There are currently no higher education facilities in North Henderson County. Fletcher would be the perfect location for a satellite campus of Blue Ridge Community College or a similar institution. I will work to further develop town relations with our county partners and champion the solicitation process to secure development of an institution of higher education in Fletcher.

Our town parks are treasures that uniquely set us apart from other communities in Western North Carolina.

Fletcher should continue to develop plans and work to secure grants for funding to build new parks and a greenway system to connect each one of our neighborhoods and every corner of our town.

Fletcher residents should have access to pedestrian and biking trails to improve walkability from wherever they live to anywhere in Fletcher.

I will promote our efforts to develop a greenway plan to connect all Fletcher communities and include new parks and public facilities throughout the entire town.

Many of our neighborhoods are facing severe erosion and flooding issues caused by stormwater runoff. The rapid over development on Airport Road has exacerbated these issues and if we do not act quickly properties and communities will be severely damaged.

Bill Moore Park has flooded routinely for several consecutive years requiring substantial investment to remedy the damage. It is no secret that the additions of the Park Side community and Mainetti on Mills gap have contributed to the problem and the large apartment complex coming beside Cane Creek will further exacerbate the issue.

We need to address this issue now! We need a comprehensive stormwater plan to be developed and implemented immediately. This should be the top item for our town's use of American Rescue Act funds.

Fletcher residents have been demanding a new, updated library for years.

Our current library is too small for our growing town's needs and the building requires maintenance expenses that would be better spent as part of a larger package towards replacing the library entirely.